Category: Technical SEO


Category: Technical SEO

Types of Schema in SEO: Choose the Right Structured Data for Your Pages

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the emphasis on schema in SEO has been steadily on the rise. But what exactly does schema in SEO mean? How did it emerge as a central element in SEO discussions?

To break it down, when we ask what is schema? we’re referring to a collection of tags added to a website’s HTML. This inclusion enhances how search engines decode and present a page’s content within search results. To delve further into the concept of what is a schema? it’s essentially a structured code that offers search engines more informative results, making the browsing experience more intuitive and enriching for users.

Crawled – Currently not Indexed: Most common Google Search Console Issue

When it comes to optimizing a website for search engines, appearing in the Google search results is crucial. However, website owners often encounter a frustrating issue known as “Crawled – Currently not Indexed” in Google Search Console. This issue occurs when Google’s web crawler, known as Googlebot, successfully visits and crawls the website’s page is not indexed crawled currently not indexed for inclusion in the search results. This problem is among the most common ones faced by website owners, and understanding its causes and potential solutions is essential for improving a website’s visibility and organic traffic. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this issue and explore effective strategies to overcome it.


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